Paul Kasemsap

พรพิพัฒน์ เกษมทรัพย์

Paul Kasemsap

~wondering how plants turn air+water+dirt into food!

20 May 2022 -

I was told that: It's what you do that defines you. Is it?

It’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you. – Rachel Dawes to Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins (2005)

Reflection - I love Nolan’s Batman trilogy. This quote from the first one stucked with me and was popular among the audience. But recently I came across a couple of new lines of thoughts. One from the book “Think again” by Adam Grant (2021), and another from a conversation (2022). In short, is it what we do that defines us? Sometimes we attach ourself, perhaps our self-worth to what we do. We define ourself by our job. But, what if we decouple our identity from what we do? For example, rather than saying “I’m a plant scientist”, I’d say “I do sciences with plants”. Would this make any differences in the way I operate or the way I see the world? This is a pending question for me. Once I got to think about this more, I hope to distill my thoughts into words and share the progress here.

“I was told that” is a section on my webpages where I listed inspiring or thought provoking quotes I came across over time.

category: inspirations 
tag: quote  growth  movie 

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