Paul Kasemsap

พรพิพัฒน์ เกษมทรัพย์

Paul Kasemsap

~wondering how plants turn air+water+dirt into food!

22 April 2022 -

Thought of the week: Trash hunt squad?

(if the embedded twitter does not display, just click on the link above to see the original tweet on twitter).

Yeah, you’re right. An idea just came to mind when I failed to find any eggs and instead saw so much trash on the way. I even witnessed someone rushing into the bush almost to grab a giant piece of blue garbage, only to say “oh I thought it was an egg; it was just a piece of trash”, and left the trash there where it was first found under the shade of lushy green bushes in the school arboretum…

Perhaps we could organize a Trash Hunt Tuesday/Thursday (or anyday?)

#TrashHuntTuesday/Thursday or something along that line seems like a plausible idea, and it makes a pretty catchy tag for promotional purposes. Instead of a scavenger hunt, we could perhaps incentivize people to come help out? What would motivate you to join? I went out because a friend called for help, since it seems the eggs were sooooo hard to be found. (And I disappointed them since I found no eggs 😂)

I was really surprised how big the crowd was just for one Easter Egg hunting afternoon – to hunt for eggs and redeem prizes, special handmade craft prizes to be specific. The ‘limited edition’ aspect of the prizes perhaps made the opportunity attractive. Had just 1/4 of the crowd picked up the trash (I know I know it was’nt the main goal and we shouldn’t be distracted), we would have collected so much trahs!! One could argue that we should do that already in our daily life. But, did you do it the last time you saw any trash outisde the bin? … We were perhaps too busy living our life to notice these tiny details. I was at least.

After the Easter weekend, I was planning to write a grant or put this idea forward in one way or another. But I’m on several very tight deadlines for other tasks with higher priorities :P In fact, I already went to talk to the organizer of the Easter Eggs hunting event right before I left about this idea. They mentioned they kind of did this in the past, and potentially will do it again! So, I put my faith in the team! If this could squeeze into my schedule, I perhaps would write a mini grant proposal for something like the Green Initiative fund. But I guess this, too could wait…

Note: Anyway, the actual purpose of the ‘thoughts’ category of my webpages is also to share my ideas/questions publicly. Because I believe it doesn’t matter who gets to take the lead on the project(s) in the end. I appreciate credits, but perhaps actions are way more important! The sooner we see projects like this out there, the better! So, I will deposit this idea into this collection and hopefully we’ll see this get implemented somewhere soon!

category: thoughts 
tag: gradschool  socialscience 

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