Paul Kasemsap

พรพิพัฒน์ เกษมทรัพย์

Paul Kasemsap

~wondering how plants turn air+water+dirt into food!

12 May 2022 -

If you could choose better, would you?

This past few months I’ve been in a number of discussions on how we can improve the food system, one challenge stood out: if we’re not limited by resources and we can choose anything we want, will we make a better decision? – and what measures/policies/actions would help the general public make better decisions?

We often assume that consumers need xyz, therefore we will provide those options. But, do they really WANT those options?

I have only minor doubt on technological advances. Think about COVID-19; we developed new vaccines the fastest time in history. Yet, the challenging step was the adoption. As a scientist, I think we’re missing something (or a lot!) – the disconnection between scientists and the public, the trust in policy makers, the intervention of politics. If sciences say certain approaches are better, based on the available evidence, why couldn’t we secure the trust from the public? What is going on and what can we do to improve it?

To be added: inputs and reflections from IIFH partner summit 2022, Future food tech 2022 in SF and other forums. I think my thought process is also influenced by my favorite book “Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness”.


I have a folder in my phone where I noted down all my (unfinished) ideas. I find talking about/bouncing my ideas off with others help me understand the problem better. So, I’ll defy my hesitancy to share only just polished version of thoughts, and rather share the ‘ongoing’ thoughts, as an invitation for whoever comes across my posts, to share what you think with me! Please reach out via any channel of your choice – see the left panel :)

category: thoughts 
tag: socialscience  food  thoughtsinprogress  draft 

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